Tuesday, March 11, 2008

On Bill's reading Kierkegaard and his ruminations On faith

OK, Bill, I am assuming you are reading Sickness Unto Death because this is his most popular book and it is the one that allows atheists to regard faith from a point of view not over run by Christian terminology to the point where all he hears is "Blah, blah, blah" the book makes no case for Christianity but does make a particular case for faith as separate from religion which is an important distinction to have under your belt. 
Before we go any father are we discussing Sickness Unto Death?

1 comment:

William said...

Yes and no. I have read Sickness until Death. I'm now on "The Concept of Anxiety". I think I should say right here that I don't view myself as an atheist. An atheist is someone who has a clear religious position. He or she is dogmatic, as much so as the most fervent Christian. I am somewhere between agnosticism and gnosticism, I suppose. But pinning me down would be difficult. After all, I'm so young yet! (-: At least young in my exploration. It used to be merely a game. Now I find it a more serious and personal endeavor. Anyway, you're too smart for me, because
"Sickness" is my beginning point, as you have guessed.