Monday, March 17, 2008

End of the Day

Princess Afternoon arrived back at the farm late and in a funk. She couldn't find Erasurehead and figure he was either off gluing things together with his new self or else he would show up on his own. At the moment she was suffering from snowmobile butt and wanted a hot bath.  She walked up the rotting farm steps and thought how badly the place needed work. Butler had been so good at pulling the farm together, organizing, focusing. Now the place was in disrepair, moldy, in danger of termites and extraneous rot. She leaned against the porch railing and enjoyed the swirling pastels in the evening sky, enjoyed the crickets humming their twilight thrum. She dreamily wondered what Kierkegaard would have thought about living underground, maybe he did and just got stuck down there asking a bunch of questions that whirl around and around like a four dimensional rubik's cube that moves like this.  and she wondered about Zoe's pancake trick and if Einstein had actually eaten his pancakes at the speed of light, she wondered if Tiny bill was OK in his tent or if those Amazons could do light speed tricks also, she wondered if Bagman was thinking about his feather boas packed in mothballs, . She wondered if Butler liked chatrooms that moved at the speed of light, and how small those rooms might be and if the farm would even fit in a fast blog. She wondered if Baubo now wore chicken feather head dresses. She wondered if Mrs. Lytle and Mrs. Wrenthwhistle would ever raise dual whifflers again and cry out in unison "God save the Queen". She wondered about Sophie the new porno Queen and if the chicken scandals would blow out of control and create a Birdzilla that would have really sharp teeth. She wondered if Erasurehead heard special secrets from the moles that he might share. She wondered if Greenman had decomposed into organic compounds or just gotten bored and loped off to Butler's house. 
She wondered whether they would have Banana fudge pancakes again for breakfast and if she could figure out a trick to do on Zoe where she could finally get the last pancake.  Then she went inside to wait and see.

1 comment:

susannah eanes said...

it looks like a lovely end to the day, and princess afternoon has certainly earned a long, hot, luxurious swim in the tub, in which remedy sophie finds much to recommend, although she doesn't much care for bubbles as they tickle her nose and dull her fins... still and all, i'll bet a good night's sleep will serve our intrepid princess well, and there is always breakfast to look forward to.