Sunday, May 18, 2008

Of squirrels, buzzards, and babies

The wheel of life keeps turning, and I love the Tibetans' take on being alive: it is a glorious opportunity, we're very fortunate to have been born human, because we therefore have the ability to end our own suffering.

Today is my birthday. I always thought I would live a long life, so I feel very young (even though I'm nearing retirement age). The Hindus believe that life comes in stages: the first 20 years is for youth and learning to be responsible, the second 20 years is for starting and raising a family, the third 20 is for the career and making the world a better place, and the final 20 is for rest and spiritual practice. I like that notion.

It's delightful to hear from almost all of you, and I hope you're all being poets (in various ways). I'm working on a birthday poem, but my mother is here for the day so I haven't made a lot of progress. Today is really a day to honor her, b/c she's the one who delivered me, and from what she says, it wasn't easy!

1 comment:

William said...

Happy belated birthday, lady. We should throw a party. How about in Columbia? I'm there a lot now. It's also great to hear how things are going with Mark. Good for him! So, is it squireels, buzzards and babies in that order?